Car accidents cause severe injuries and financial losses to millions of Americans every year. To avoid this tragic situation, it’s important to educate yourself about the causes of accidents, and how to avoid them. To assist you, here are five super common car accidents, and useful tips for preventing them:
1. Rear-End Collision Car Accidents
Automobile insurance claims frequently result from rear-end crashes. These collisions can frequently be prevented, regardless of whether you are the driver who strikes the car in front of you or the motorist who is struck by the car behind you. You should always keep your distance from other cars, typically giving them at least two car lengths of space, to avoid getting into a rear-end collision. You should drive strategically and with a hyper-awareness of your surroundings to avoid being unexpectedly rear-ended by other drivers as well. Additionally, avoiding driving while distracted or intoxicated will help protect you, by ensuring you have the reaction time needed to avoid a rear-end accident. While these accidents are not as deadly as some of the others on this list, high-speed rear-end collisions can be incredibly dangerous, and even deadly. A Rockford, IL car wreck injury attorney can help you seek compensation after a rear-end collision.
2. Parked Car Accidents
An additional frequent reason for auto damage is when a parked car is struck by another vehicle. Take precautions to help prevent parked automobile collisions and claims whether you are leaving your car in a parking lot or on the road. If you’re parking in a spot that’s not clearly marked, the probability of your car being harmed in a parked car accident becomes much higher, so always park intelligently. If you can, try to avoid parking in super crowded areas. If there is a more open parking lot or a more open part of a parking lot, it’s worth parking a bit further away from your destination. Parking garages are by far the most protected area and can ensure you’re unlikely to have your car broken into as well. Be street-smart, and maximize the amount of parking space you’re giving both to yourself, and others around you, and you’ll avoid parked car accidents. Businesses often need car accident lawyers for parked car accidents.
3. Single-Vehicle Car Accidents
In addition to rollovers and mishaps, while driving off-road, single-vehicle losses can result from collisions with objects like roadside debris, animals, or barricades. Making an effort to stop them is much simpler, in theory, since they are often the fault of the vehicle operator’s lack of attention and awareness. That being said, there are times when preventing single-vehicle accidents becomes a fully luck-based event. Avoiding harsh driving conditions, especially those caused by inclement weather (such as heavy rain and snowfall) is especially important. By staying under the speed limit, and avoiding distracted driving practices, you can protect yourself from single-vehicle accidents much more effectively in 2023. You owe it to yourself, and your passengers, to practice safe driving and keep your vehicle out of an unfortunate single-vehicle accident.
4. Back-Up Car Accidents
Back-up accidents can occur whether you’re backing out of a parking space or your driveway. Avoiding the need to back up in the first place is the best thing you can do to prevent accidents when backing up. When parking, try to avoid having to back up into oncoming traffic either pulling through a space or backing into one. If you live in a busy neighborhood, parking in a way where you can avoid backing up to get out of a spot is especially important. Back-up collisions and accidents can be deceptively dangerous, and even deadly in extreme situations. You should always back up as intelligently as possible when you do have to back up, however. Using your mirrors, a friendly assistant, or a back-up camera can be incredibly helpful.
5. Intersection Car Accidents
Another location where accidents regularly happen is at intersections. Distracted drivers risk missing the transition from green to yellow to red at traffic lights. Or they fail to detect cars stopping before turns. Driving defensively can help you prevent accidents. When the light turns green, wait a bit to make sure nobody is approaching the junction. Beware of drivers who attempt to beat a yellow light at a crosswalk by driving too quickly. Avoid taking chances when you’re approaching a yellow light by being cautious.
Distracted Driving is Dangerous Driving
By avoiding distracted driving, you can greatly boost your chance of avoiding any and all car accidents in 2023. The safer you are on the road, the safer your community becomes. Save yourself time, money, and suffering by doing your best to be a safe driver throughout the coming year (and beyond).