Being new to marketing is not easy. You have to learn many things to achieve success and a positive outcome for your marketing campaign. One of the essential things to learn is how to send press release to local media in order to present your business. It is your opportunity to make your campaign successful. In this article, you will find many tips and answers to possible questions that might hold you back. Let’s start with an efficient way of distributing press releases to the local media.
There are many ways to accomplish this task. It is quite simple to do manually, but it requires some time and effort. Alternatively, you can use efficient services for the press release distribution.
Do the in-depth research
When you distribute your press release, it is required to do in-depth research in order to find the most suitable representatives of the local media. You should focus on local media as you have higher chances because such journalists are ready to cover interesting topics, which can boost the interest angle of the target audience.
Indeed, doing such research, you will need time. However, you should take it positively. It is an essential process to make closer connections with local journalists, and influencers in your area. Such connections are beneficial for your marketing campaign and business itself.
It is recommended to include the following outlets in the database:
Local magazines, newspapers;
Creating such a database is essential for getting new contacts and distributing your press release. You must know how to write media pitches, which look like a list of brief ideas. A journalist can review them and decide if your material can interest the target audience. Remember that journalists are on a constant hunt for eye-catching stories to share with their readers.
If you present an actual and eye-catching press release, you have a high chance that many journalists will express the desire to cooperate with you to publish your material. Your material can do a big favor to them because they will not have to meet tight deadlines and highlight some events in the local area. You give them prepared material.
You should make a separate spreadsheet, where you include all the media outlet names, names of journalists, and their contact details. As soon as your research is completed, you will feel more confident to start issuing business press releases.
How to send emails as a pro?
Every time you want to send an email, you have to personalize it, including the name of the journalist. You should avoid neutral expressions, such as “To Whom It May Concern”, “Hi There”, etc. Most journalists are overloaded with work, so there is a risk that your email will be deleted or sent to a spam list.
Make sure you compose an eye-catching subject. You can use the same subject as in the heading of your press release. Verify whether your subject line includes a keyword to attract the maximum attention.
You can compose a brief introduction about your work and your business campaign. You can provide brief details of why you send this press release and the way you can be contacted in case additional questions arise.
Sharing media content
All professional marketers can tell you to avoid sending photo/video attachments. The problem with such emails is their size. Often they finish in the spam folders. You will get better results by including a link to your media content. If the journalists are interested in your material, they will follow the link to download the extra material.