Credit cards are a very popular tool when it comes to shopping, unplanned expenses, earning rewards and other perks. And if you are an avid credit card user, then looking for the best credit card in the market can be difficult. Today, the market is flooded with different types of credit cards, so choosing the right one can be challenging.
So how to select the right one for yourself? The best way to do this is to understand the purpose of using a credit card. In this post, we will share the top credit cards in 2023 that would suit your requirements and help you save more!
Top 5 Credit Cards You Must Have in 2023
Here is a list of the top lifetime-free credit cards you must have in your wallets this year:
- OneCard Credit Card
OneCard is India’s first metal card designed to offer premium experience and convenience to its users. It comes with a range of exciting benefits, such as no joining fee, no annual fee, no rewards redemption fees, and 5X credit cards on top purchases. You can even share card limits with your family. The card also lets you shop in full or pay in parts. It can be applied with minimum documentation.
The OneCard Credit Card is also designed to provide maximum security to its users, with the best security features that ensure your financial information is safe and secure. With this lifetime free credit card in your wallet, you can enjoy exclusive access to premium lifestyle privileges and rewards tailored to your unique preferences.
2. IDFC First Select Credit Card
With this credit card, you can earn reward points for your purchases. You can earn 10x reward points if you spend more than Rs. 25,000 each month, also applicable to your birthday spending. If you spend up to Rs. 25,000 each month online, you can get 6x reward points. If you spend up to Rs. 25,000 each month offline, you can get 3x reward points. So, the more you spend, the more reward points you earn.
3. ICICI Bank Platinum Chip Credit Card
When you use this credit card, you can earn reward points for your purchases. If you spend money on utilities and insurance, you will get one reward point for every Rs. 100 you spend. If you spend money on other things like shopping, you will get two reward points for every Rs. 100 you spend. The only thing is you won’t earn reward points on fuel purchases. So, use your card for all your other purchases and earn those reward points!
4. HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card
If you spend more than Rs 400,000 with this credit card, you can earn five times of the reward points for your purchases. You can earn a maximum of 15,000 accelerated reward points in a year. That’s a lot of points! Also, with this card, you can get 3 free visits to airport lounges, both domestic and international, or 3 AirDine vouchers. The cost for all of this is Rs 6,350. So not only can you earn more rewards for your spending, but you can also enjoy some extra perks while you travel.
5. IDFC First Millennia Credit Card
This credit card lets you earn 10 times the amount of reward points on your monthly purchases above Rs. 20,000, including purchases made on your birthday. Additionally, you can earn six times the reward points for online shopping up to Rs. 20,000 per month and three times the reward points for offline shopping up to Rs. 20,000 per month. By using this card for your everyday expenses, you can accumulate a lot of reward points that can be redeemed for various benefits.
These were some of the best credit cards you must consider getting in 2023. Finding the best credit card with low-interest rates and no annual fee is not just about saving money. It’s also about getting the most out of your spending. A credit card with rewards and benefits can help you make the most of your purchases while providing financial flexibility and security. So, don’t settle for a mediocre credit card. Do your research, compare your options, and choose a credit card that suits your needs and helps you fulfil your financial needs. With the right credit card, you can save money, earn rewards, and enjoy peace of mind.